Connecting talented professionals with leading Web3 companies through AI-powered matching.
Our system evaluates candidate profiles against job listings, ensuring high-quality connections between talent and opportunities.
Pay only when you find the perfect match. No upfront costs for posting jobs or browsing candidates.
Save time with our focused Web3 portal. Quickly find relevant blockchain and crypto opportunities that match your profile.
Access cutting-edge positions in blockchain, DeFi, and emerging technologies.
Streamline your job application process with AI-powered profile matching.
Stay informed with up-to-date trends and demand in the Web3 job market.
Find the most suitable candidates, reducing time-to-hire and ensuring high-quality matches.
Reduce recruitment costs with a more efficient hiring process, minimizing lengthy searches.
Access a curated pool of technical and non-technical candidates proficient in crypto, decentralized systems, and frontier tech.
Post jobs for free and only pay when you find the perfect candidate!
Limited Time Offer for Early Customers: Free for all matches!
Per month
1 match credit
Per month
5 match credits
Customizable credits and pricing for high-volume hiring needs
Custom match credits
Credits expire at the end of each billing cycle.
Each credit allows you to reveal and contact one qualified candidate.
Discover exciting roles that are shaping the future of the internet.
Sign up today to discover exclusive Web3 job opportunities and connect with leading employers in the industry
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